Rishabh Shrivastava Palmistry

Welcome to Rishabh Shrivastava Palmistry reading services

Palmistry is an art that no doubt has a scientific basis, but there are only a few established precepts that are considered valid by current science. Palmists look at signs of good health and well-being in the hands, much like physicians might when they initially examine a patient. Discolored, sweaty, shaky or otherwise possibly unhealthy looking hands give clues to palmists in the same manner they indicate a need for further evaluation when viewed scientifically. The fact that no two fingerprint sets are exactly the same, in my opinion, suggests that the formation of the prints themselves tells a story about the person, including health, inherited traits, and character.

Observers outside of palmists have noted certain characteristics of palms to which science gives at least some attention. The phenomenon of some people having a simian line, in which the head and heart lines fuse or nearly so, has been noted by scientists but often dismissed as having no significance other than that it is a rare occurrence. Science does note some conditions, including Down Syndrome, that may be linked in some individuals with the presence of a simian line, but I have yet to read any scientific document that investigates the possible extraordinary personality characteristics that palmistry, on the other hand, associates with the line. Children’s hands have been noted as having fewer lines, for the most part, than adult hands; yet this phenomenon is seen as having no particular significance (and no significance if an adult hand has lines similar to a child’s). Science notes that approximately 10% of people are left-handed; there have been numerous studies suggesting there is a scientific basis for certain behavioral and health related issues regarding handedness. In palmistry, it is fundamental to note the hand dominance of the subject, and always has been. (Interesting, though, that some traditions read all subjects as though they were right handed!—gasp—). There have also been scientific studies measuring the relative length of the fingers; notably, researchers have found that athletes of both sexes tend to have long 3rd fingers vs length of index finger, and that a relatively short index finger may indicate a greater aggressive tendency in both men and women.

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