12th House (Hidden/Moksha) in Astrology

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The 12th house is the last house in the zodiac where life begins and ends, depending on your karma. It is the house that connects us between the materialistic and non-materialistic world. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, it is a water sign (Pisces). The 12th house represents legs and ankles in our body.

The 12th house is the last house in the zodiac where life begins and ends, depending on your karma. It is the house that connects us between the materialistic and non-materialistic world. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, it is a water sign (Pisces). The 12th house represents legs and ankles in our body.

(I think it is important to understand 12th house .. It will be worth your time)

The 12th house is the most mysterious, unknown and hidden house because this rule is not in your hands. Our entire existence rests on these hidden, mysterious forces. These houses represent hidden enemies, loss of energy, foreign lands or different places like foreign

(I think it is important to understand 12th house .. It will be worth your time)

The 12th house is the most mysterious, unknown and hidden house because this rule is not in your hands. Our entire existence rests on these hidden, mysterious forces. These houses represent hidden enemies, loss of energy, foreign lands or different places like foreign travel, liberation, prison, refuge and hospital. This is the house where we can be separated from sorrow or peace. 1st house is physical body and before that we have 12th house. Therefore the 12th house also represents the state of life between reality and untruth. It is our subconscious mind and hidden nature with which we can connect with the divine nature of this mysterious world. Here we can travel astral and also connect with the unseen world. Those who have strong 12th house can easily reach this unseen world.

It is the last home of the hospital, prison, isolation, meditation, spirituality, divine knowledge and liberation from material life (moksha). Sometimes God has put us in a position to cleanse our soul which is very unpleasant in life, but in the end you will get your lesson .. If we get sick we take a lot of time And purify your consciousness. In this house we consciously or unknowingly sacrifice everything to attain salvation. This is the salvation house through pain in the 8th house which is beyond our control.

The eleventh house is just before the 12th house. In the 11th house we have the highest desire to do something for society or for ourselves, but what to do next after achieving everything in life. Those who are satisfied with this materialistic world want to get away from this world, they simply gave their things to others and came to the 12th house to know the truth of life.

But on the downside, it is home to escapism. Those people who are weak in their responsibility of life or have some weakness in their mind, they come to the 12th house to escape life through drugs and alcohol. One can find peace with these things, but all these are temporary things for peace of mind.

It is home to fantasy, mystery, sleep, dreams, fantasy, sex pleasure and entertainment (listening to music). Mostly everything represented by the 12th house is related to the influence on the subconscious mind. We feel good when we are sleeping, dreaming, meditating, escaping from “reality”, taking drugs and entertaining. It is a private part of oneself, where the person can release the pressure of the external world and swim in the peace of the inner self. This house connects us to the deepest part of our consciousness where we can connect with one.

It is our soul that is permanent and this body is perishable. The 12th house is the house from where we should let things go and learn to be alone because everything in life is temporary, it will change and we will eventually lose everything. It is through the twelfth house that we lose things and must live with only one thing that can never be overcome and that is our true nature.

Result of planets in 12th house: (Get advice about ur 12th house)

Sun in 12th house: Sun is ego, life force of the body, supreme power when in 12th house it loses its vitality, weak self-image, lack of confidence and confusion about necessary self-identity. The Sun in the 12th house is considered dead because everything ruled by the Sun is suffering.

Moon in 12th house: Moon is mind, mind can be easily disturbed by unpleasant thing, if Moon in 12th house wants to avoid emotional burden of family. Indigenous people daydream and imagine a lot, but indigenous people can be creative in their dream life.

Mars in the 12th house: Mars is the planet of courage, discipline and personal strength. Mars in the 12th house shows interest in swimming, yoga, and all physical activities that increase energy. Natives may disturb sleeping patterns.

Mercury in 12th house: Mercury is the planet of fun, wisdom, writing and communication. Mercury in 12th house signifies good fantasy writer, miscommunication and unhealthy escapism through entertainment.

Jupiter in 12th house: Jupiter is the planet of hope, intelligence and expansion. Jupiter in the 12th house is very imaginary and lives in its own world. But the natives of the world are deep and House (Hidden/Moksha) in Astrology

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