Jupiter in Ketu Nakshatra

 Jupiter in Ketu Nakshatra

  • There are 27 or 28 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology in which the Moon moves daily. These are fixed stars, these constellations are of great importance in Vedic astrology. 
  • They reflect the deep inner nature and psychology of man. Basically Nakshatra means to connect with the cosmic forces and to extend our human mind to the cosmic mind. 
  • Planets reside in Nakshatra which represent our accumulated karma and accordingly our life is fixed.

  • Ketu rules over three nakshatras and their effect can be felt when planets are placed within these nakshatras. 
  • Ketu acts on the subconscious mind, and is always retrograde hence it is always reflected back in the mind which are specifically related to our internal conflicts with us. 

Ketu Ruled Nakshatra 

Ashwini Nakshatra comes in the region of Mars and is ruled by Ketu. Ashwini is the first constellation in Aries. Ashwini means “horseman”. The myth of Ashwin being the twin sons of the Sun god. Those celestial healers had great healing powers. People who have Moon in Ashwini Nakshatra like horses, animals love horses. He has great healing power to rejuvenate the old and give life to the dead. These people like children very much and playful too. Ashwini indicates the beginning of the soul’s journey in earthly life, and Ketu is the karaka of salvation. Its rule of the first nakshatra suggests that life originates from Ketu (black hole, void) and ultimately we need to go there and the true reason for incarnating on earth is to attain spiritual liberation.

  • Sun is the cause of soul, exalted in Ashwini. Ashwini. The Sun is an excellent position in Ashwini. People who have Sun in their Ashwini are humble and spiritual like a child.

  • Aggressive. Jupiter in Ashwini will possess wisdom which combines good knowledge and wisdom of past lives. Venus is not happy with Ashwini Nakshatra it can create relationship problems as Venus has spiritual nature here.

  • Ashwini Nakshatra Pad 1: Falls in Aries, ruled by Mars, it belongs to the leading adventurous and physically active side of the Nakshatra.

  • Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 2: Ruled by Venus falls in Vrishabha Namsa, it belongs to the practical and resourceful side of the Nakshatra.

  • Ashwini Nakshatra Paad 3: Falls in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, it belongs to the humorous and communicative side of the constellation.

  • Ashwini Nakshatra pad 4: Cancer ruled by the Moon falls in Namsa, it deals with the healing part and auxiliary side of the constellation.

Ketu is ruled by Magha Nakshatra.

Range (00°00′ Leo – 13°20′ Leo)
Ruler Planet: Ketu
Deity: Pitru, protector of the family.
Symbol: palanquin
Gana (Prakriti): Rakshasa (demons)
Animal Symbol: Male Rat
Sounds: mother, me, moo, may.
Primary Motivation: Dharma (Fulfillment of Duty)

Magha Nakshatra belongs to the planet Sun and is ruled by Ketu. Magha Nakshatra represents sitting on the throne. Moon in Magha Nakshatra People have done some good in their previous life so in this life Ku in Magha gives lot of material comfort and benefits in life. But one knows that the inner being is far below the ground and they instinctively know that material happiness is not real happiness. The Magha ruling deity is Pitru, the ancestor of the protector of the family, his mission is to guide his family member on the right courses. After giving the experience of materialistic life, both Ketu and Pitru direct the soul of a person towards his spiritual life.

The Sun, the factor of soul, is strong here in its own zodiac. Because Ketu is critical of things so it brings an idealistic outlook in life. Jupiter is in good position in Magha as it brings wisdom and spirituality in life. Venus in Magha is good for bad relationship and non materialistic life.

Magha Nakshatra Pada 1: Falls in Aries, ruled by Mars, it is related to the leadership, strong will power and idealism side of the constellation.
Magha Nakshatra Pada 2: Ruled by Venus falls in Vrishabha Namsa, it is related to the ambitious nature and materialistic side of the Nakshatra.

Magha Nakshatra Pada 3: Falls in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, it deals with the neglected intellectual and exploration of the ancient wisdom side of the constellation.

Magha Nakshatra Pad 4: Ruled by Moon falls in Cancer Namsa, it is related to ritual love, ancestor worship and focus for the well being of the family side of the Nakshatra.

Mula/ Moola Nakshatra is ruled by ketu

Moola Nakshatra comes in the region of the planet Jupiter and is ruled by Ketu. Mool Nakshatra is the most difficult Nakshatra to be located in the planets, especially the Moon. Moola Nakshatra leads a person towards the spiritual side by giving painful situations in life. Moola Nakshatra is related to this nakshatra with images of Goddess Kali in which Goddess Kali is beheading demons. This picture is related to our ignorant behavior towards life which Goddess Kali is cutting. The heads of demons are associated with our will that never ends. It is just telling us that no matter how many desires we have, I will cut off all your desires until you come to me and merge into the universe (Shiva). Though it is very painful for us to leave this materialistic world but this is the mission of development of this constellation. The pain experienced by Moola Nakshatra transforms the personality and new spiritual beginnings. The final part of the soul’s mission in the quest for enlightenment.

In Moola Nakshatra the basic psychology of the person has to change and hence Moola is a challenge for all the planets located here. Moon faces the biggest challenge if it is situated in Mool Nakshatra, the childhood of a person is full of painful experience due to some family issues. Jupiter, as the ruler of the zodiac, represents wisdom, and Ketu is the past karma we perform in the subconscious. If this nakshatra energy is not managed properly then it can cause destruction. Venus in Mool Nakshatra is very painful because Venus brings problems of his past life into this present life and he needs to deal with these issues to get happiness.

Moola/Mool Nakshatra Pad 1: Falls in Aries, ruled by Mars, it deals with all kinds of deep explorations and investigation side of the Nakshatra.

Moola / Mool Nakshatra Pada 2: Ruled by Venus falls in Vrisha Namasa, it is related to the occult and materialistic on either side of the nakshatra.

Moola / Mool Nakshatra Paad 3: Falls in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, this constellation is related to deepening of knowledge and side intellect.

Moola/Mool Nakshatra pada 4: Cancer ruled by Moon falls in Namasa, this is the most emotionally disturbed pada side of pada nakshatra.

Ketu stone is Cat’s Eye or Lehsuniya. It is a cold stone, Ketu or the mind becomes calm by wearing this stone in silver.

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