Mercury in Bharani Nakshatra

 Mercury in Bharani Nakshatra

  • Mercury, the planet of intelligence and communication, is in the constellation Bharani in Aries on April 14.
  • Bharani’s name means ‘she who bears’, its symbol is a vulva and its meaning is associated with giving birth, such as having children and planning or creative thinking. 
  • Bright, inventive Mercury sees your creativity revolving around smart ideas or a project that is your personal ‘brainchild’.
  • You are active and impulsive, and this constellation gives you new plans, connections, and business plans, along with achievements, ambition, and struggle for life. 
  • The power of this nakshatra is the power to ‘take things away’ in the sense of spiritual journey, or to see something – or someone – being removed from your life.
  • This separation is an important experience, even though Mercury has the detachment and objectivity to spring back and prevent you from being ‘taken away’ emotionally. Try to keep your head cool.
  • Bharani’s ruler is Yama, the god of death, who points to change and the need to let go of one desire before another can be pursued. 
  • There is also a sense of liberation from attachment through achieving one’s goals and doing what is demanded.
  • The association of this nakshatra with birth also gives you a motherly and sympathetic quality that you can use to feel caring and hospitable to people, and someone you can trust as easily as you understand.
  • Mercury in this transit conjuncts with Rahu, the shadow ‘outer’ planet, and your thinking may be alien, inventive or even surprising to some. 
  • You pick up a new idea and run with it and have an innate understanding of power and politics, as well as the mundane way of getting things done.

Mercury Buddha in Bharani Nakshatra

In this section, Mercury will be located in Aries and Leo in Navamsa. It makes you intelligent and fond of studies. There will be a risk of life at a young age but life is usually longer. Mercury dasha of 17 years will be generally good. You will be able to develop some skills like hand skills. You can also succeed as a mechanical engineer or property builder or administrator. You will be interested in any writing work during Mercury period. Most of your friends will be much younger than your age.

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