Right Side of Body Twitching Omen – Twitching of Body Parts in Astrology
Medically, muscle twitching is something you cannot control and is mostly harmless. However, did you know that muscle twitches can also be a symptom of certain conditions?
For example, if someone has Parkinson’s disease or epilepsy, they may experience muscle twitches because their body is not producing enough chemicals to properly control muscle movements. But, in most cases, muscle twitches are a harmless condition.
Spiritually, Samudra Shastra, the ancient Vedic science (of Nepal and India), tells us that our body parts are so sensitive that they can actually predict our future. The theory is believed to be true because of the many experiments done by ancient sages and spiritual masters.
Twitching of the Right and Left Side of the Body
Samudra Shastra is a Sanskrit text that deals with predicting the future. Some people believe that it was written by Vyas. The lesson discusses how to predict the future based on various physical and mental conditions.
For example, if the left side of a person’s body twitches constantly, it is believed that there is some bad news for the man – this may indicate the loss of close relatives. But for women it is a harbinger of good news.
Unlike twitching on the left, a twitching sensation on the right side of the body means good news for men and bad news for women.