Sun in Revati Nakshatra

Sun in Revati Nakshatra

  • Sun, the planet of self-expression, is in Revati Nakshatra in Pisces from March 31 to April 13, 2021.
  • This nakshatra means ‘rich’ and promises you luck and good personal qualities, especially for travelers and road-goers. With the sight of far-flung places, you may now have the urge to wander, which is good to indulge, or else you take the chance and just go where your travels take you.
  • A light shines wherever the Sun descends by transit, so distant travels can illuminate and give unexpected insights. 
  • Revathi’s ruling deity is Pushan, the protector of lost people and animals, so you can also offer hospitality or take an animal husband as a soul mate.
  • The power or special power of this nakshatra is also ‘to protect’, and you yourself get a good feeling from giving support while being a generous host. 
  • This is an excellent time for fun and for a deeper understanding of a friend or partner: You put aside the usual egoistic energy of the Sun and let someone take the lead.
  • Revathi’s nature is sattvic and spiritual, with no hidden agenda, so you can be selfless and use your solar energy to give genuine encouragement and guidance. 
  • You can accept an invite and have an experience you would otherwise miss.
  • Revathi’s symbol, the drum, has meant over time and you are conscious to act on time or when circumstances are helpful. 
  • You seize the moment and take charge of a collective task that puts you in line for promotion.
  • The Sun is in conjunction with the friendly planets Mercury and Venus during this transit, giving you a pleasing and inspiring style that draws people in.

Effects of having the Sun in Revati Nakshatra

We also don’t know whether the Sun is favorable to your ruling planet or the Sun is aspected by anything. But generally speaking, the Sun in Revati brings out the idealism, creativity and nurturing aspects of the Sun. The creative aspects are generally not focused in an external way, however. This placement may cause the native to create a world of his own instead of being more involved in this world. It is very important that the native with Sun in Revati shares his knowledge with at least one other person in this lifetime. If the Sun is in the last two degrees of Revati, then it is the Gandant section of Pisces where the old karma has gathered. The native may find it difficult to establish deep roots in past lives. Regular spiritual practice and guidance of an intelligent teacher or more than one teacher is necessary for this native.

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