Venus in Uttara Bhadrapada

Venus in Uttara Bhadrapada

Uttarabhadrapada means auspicious or lucky one, it belongs to Pisces, it is a water sign, under the last zodiac is the highly emotional and spiritual star, the lord of the constellation is Shani, manushya gana and female cow and body parts feet represent. 
It is a very disciplined and majestic star signifying patience, understanding the truth of life, the real purpose of existence, it is the combination of Jupiter, the zodiac sign, and the constellation lord Shani which helps the native to learn the above qualities and ancient esoteric subjects. helps.

  • When Venus conjoins with this star, the native is endowed with artistic qualities as Venus is exalted in this zodiac, fashion skills with cultural and traditional taste, high value for ancient traditions and culture, interest in history, Ancestral traditions, and antiquities.
  • With Venus in this star you will see a designer or a painter who paints ancient paintings and designs, whatever is ancient or old is associated with this star and Venus will play its role accordingly. 
  • The native will like history, poetic, a master of ancient knowledge like astrology, yoga, Vedas, old scriptures and languages, a person who gives importance to old culture, traditions and antiquities. 
  • As there is a saying that old is gold. This proverb will manifest with the blessings of this star.
  • Careers related to this Nakshatra: Astrologer, story teller, teacher, traveller, tantrik, counsellor, spiritual master, farming, poultry, writing on esoteric subjects, poet, archaeologist, historian, professor, NGOs for older people.
  • There are few other features which I can describe here but I have given it briefly to highlight what Venus does in Uttarbhadrapada irrespective of its position or strength in the horoscope. I hope I was able to shed some light on your question based on my question. Experience.
  • Venus, the planet of love and art, is in Pisces in Uttar Bhadrapada from March 19 to 30.
  • The name of this constellation literally means ‘beautiful left leg’ and is known as a benevolent and spiritual realm symbolized by the back legs of the bed. 
  • Here Venus gives you an imaginative and expressive side, consistent with your exalted position in Pisces, and you find great sensitivity and empathy in the relationship.
  • Use the powers of your faith, where showing faith in someone has a profoundly transformative effect, and you can set positive goals and a message to them that you aspire to.
  • This nakshatra is ruled by Ahirbudhanya, the Serpent of the Deep, which signifies you engaging in deep sharing and immersion in the waters of your meditation – this deity is often identified with the Kundalini ‘serpent’ energy at the base of the spine, which is raised during intense yoga practice.
  • You can develop your powers of intuition and insight, and explore your partner’s thoughts and feelings unconsciously. 
  • The power, or special power, of Uttara is to ‘bring rain’ in the sense of encouraging new ideas and growth, which is associated with abundance and luxury – issues close to the heart of Venus.
  • You have a flair for creativity and design, and are happy to spend the extra if that means working with the finest quality materials. Subtle and practical, you’re also slow to anger, and know how to sweeten your message and successfully put together a proposal.
  • Your cool style may be taken for laziness or nostalgia, but tact and diplomacy resolve romantic turmoil and get you credit and a peace-maker.
  • Venus is in this constellation with the life-giving Sun, which attracts big personalities into your world – make sure your qualities are appreciated and your contribution is fully noted in a creative plan.

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