Life Line Jeevan Rekha जीवन रेखा, हस्त रेखा।


जीवन रेखा – Life Line
Life Line

Life line- According to the practice going on from our Puranas, palm line is very important in our life, which describes our every sequence of events, life line provides us information related to age and life.

What is the life line- The location of the life line starts from the base of the thumb and crosses the palm and meets near the wrist in the shape of a circle, it is considered to be a very effective line.

Where is the life line? (Life Line in Hand): The circle of life line is in the lower region of the thumb. It is considered to be the area of ​​Venus. This line starts from the middle of the index finger and the thumb and goes till the wrist. Its spread is like an arc.

Relation of life line- This line is related to test the physical strength as well as to describe the information about important things related to disease resistance and health, only from this line a person can find out his age and diseases.

The whole secret of human life and death is hidden in the lines of the hands. This line which tells this secret of life cycle is called Life Line in Hands/ Palm. Let us discuss some of its types.

If the life line is short in the hand, then do not think that the person will have a short life, because even if the heart line is long and the life line is short, then the person is of long life and if the life line is long and the heart line is short then then The person is also considered to be of long life.

The life line in the hand has great importance. This line can also be called the mirror of life in simple language. If a person’s life line is long and deep, then such a person shows good health, stamina.

If the life line appears in double and triple line then such person is surrounded by positive energy and they have immense capacity for tolerance. Along with this, they go ahead in their life with positive thinking.

life line is broken

If a person’s life line is broken from many places, then such a person shows struggle in life, many changes in life and if this life line breaks in the wrist part and moves forward, then it shows that the childhood of those people. passed with great difficulties.

lack life line

If there is a lack of life line in the palm, then such people face many difficulties in their life and they always try to move ahead in life by being worried and their nature sometimes appears irritable.

life line is chained

If the life line is like a chain, then you are born very unwell, the health of such a person sometimes changes according to the season, such as cold, cold etc.

branch above the life line

If the branches are going upwards in the life line of a person, then such people are easy achievers of achievement and success. They keep getting success everywhere according to their ability.

branch below the life line

If the branches in the life line of a person are inclined downwards, then it is considered sensitive to health. Such people are also considered very agile in work.

life line splits into two parts at the end

If the life line splits into two parts from the end and goes to Mount Moon and Mount Venus, then such a person is a businessman and to get success in the field of business, he leaves his country and goes to settle abroad.

life line should not be divided by the end

If the life line does not split at the end and goes to the mount of Venus (lower area of ​​the thumb), then such a person stays in his own country forever and he has a lot of attachment towards his country.

lifeline end be like a bunch

If the life line is like an end bunch, such people have longevity, as well as such a person likes to be alone in old age. They have a different style of living alone in old age, not living with family.

Life Line Reading in Hindi: It is only by reading Life Line that the age of a person and diseases etc. in his life can be known.

* Lifeline should be long, thin, clean and without any obstruction.
* If small lines are cutting or crossing at many places on the life line in the hands of the person, then it does not give good information.
* If the lines make a star mark on the life line, then it is a sign of diseases related to the spinal cord. White dot indicates eye problem. A black spot or a mole or a cross on the life line indicates an accident. But if it crosses these, it means that the person will emerge from the troubles in life sooner or later.

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