Uttra Ashadha Nakshatra in Astrology

 Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Range 26°40′ Sagittarius – 10°00′ Capricorn.

Ruling Planet: Sun

Deities: Ten Vishwadevas, Universal deities.

Symbols: ivory, bed planks.

Gana (Prakriti): Manushya (human).

Animal symbol: Male weasel.

Sounds: Bey, Bo, Ja, G.

Primary motivation: Moksha (spiritual liberation).

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra belongs to one part of the planet Jupiter (Sagittarius 26 40′) to three parts to Saturn (Capricorn 10 00′) and is ruled by the planet Sun. Uttara Ashadha is the twenty-first Nakshatra which is called “The Universal Star”. It is translated as “the victory of the latter” which signifies the protection of comfort and peace. In Uttara Ashadha, there are two stars in the chest of the archer. The symbols are an ivory tusk and a bed of planks. The ivory is associated with Ganesha, the one who removes obstacles and bestows blessings on our activities. The Uttara Ashadha, given to the Sun, comes under the influence of both Jupiter and Saturn, which makes the asterism closely related to humanity, harmony and salvation. Uttarashada leads to a kind of universal or temporal unity whereby one loses one’s individual thoughts and starts thinking in terms of unity. An asterisk does not lead to rest in the physical sense, but it leads to activity and change. The natives of Uttarashada are very thoughtful and practical in nature, which leads them to some kind of spiritual path. Uttarashada brings us to the pinnacle of our power, support and recognition, not so much through our individual effort with the proper alliance and support of all the deities. Our victory depends on a noble cause that is beneficial to all, in which we are helping.

The deities are the universal gods or the ten Vishwadevas, the sons of God Dharma. This Nakshatra is ruled by the mighty Sun. It is always painful to sacrifice one’s personal life on the cross of universal consciousness. It is where we love the most, propelling a confident and motivated course towards the truth of who we really are and what we really want. By understanding our duty (dharma), value of time (kaal) and other universal principles that become clear. Yesterday’s true devotion is the fuel of today’s light. Shakti is the “Power of Unique Victory”. These natives have a human vision of seeing all castes as equals. This nakshatra has a human or human nature with the primary motivation towards moksha or spiritual liberation. The influence of a world deity can be felt through intellectual development and a desire for socialization. The whole life of a person may seem barren and without any core. This experience flows directly from the universalization of individual consciousness. A small cot or bed symbolizes a place of rest or relaxation and gains strength. This Nakshatra creates psychological orientation for the discharge of our ultimate responsibilities and karmic debts which subsequently enables him to attain his final rest, nirvana or liberation. These people are successful later and have more patience and perseverance. Uttara Ashadha people have a strong desire behind which they throw their strong will to achieve a lasting victory. He has leadership and natural diplomacy qualities.

The shadow side of this lunar mansion has a lazy nature. This subjective belief makes a person very stubborn and self-centred. Loneliness, sadness and apathetic attitude towards work can be seen. They need to develop some patience to get some concrete results in life. They are leaders, very ambitious which leads them to notoriety. Some persons under the influence of this nakshatra can also be found engaged in penance and penance to attain supernatural powers.

Uttara Ashadha Pad 1: Dhanu falls in Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. This verse brings righteousness, confidence and expansion. The person is knowledgeable and intelligent.

Uttara Ashadha Pad 2: The Navamsha ruled by Saturn falls in Capricorn. This verse is goal-oriented and deals with the materialistic pursuit and achievement of power in the world.

Uttara Ashadha Pad 3: Falls in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn. This verse believes more in accumulation whether it is knowledge or material possessions.

Uttara Ashadha Pad 4: Falls in Pisces Navamsa ruled by Jupiter. This post is related to the humanitarian and philanthropic side. One has abundant energy to pursue his goals.

Ascendant in Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Honest and kind nature, honest, hardworking, good in reputation, name, fame, public service and counselling, becomes famous later in life.

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