AtmaKaraka Planet in Astrology

AtmaKaraka Planet in Astrology

Another outstanding guru who lived during Maharshi Parashara’s time was Maharshi Jaimini. His techniques, also referred to as the jaimini sutra or jaimini Astrology, have been provided as ways to examine horoscopes. It differs a little from Parashara astrology. Jaimini was a deserving student of the renowned Vedavyas, author of the Mahabharata and the son of the wise Parashar. One of the important factors in Jaimini astrology is the Atmakaraka Planet.

Each planet has an impact on the native to a certain extent, both positively and negatively, according to Vedic astrology. Each planet represents a different facet of life. Karaka is the name for this. The astrologers have identified seven Karakas. Rahu and Ketu, however, are thought to be incapable of having any karaka because it denotes deliverance or liberation. The Atmakaraka planet is at the highest degree among all the karakas.

  • Atma karaka, the self-indicator.
  • The career indicator Amatya Karaka.
  • Bhratu karaka, the sign of the father and siblings
  • Matru karaka, the mother and education indicator
  • Putra karaka, the child’s intellect and creativity indicator
  • Gnati karaka, the sign of conflict, illness, and spiritual practise
  • The marriage and partnership indication is called dara karaka.

Effect of AtmaKaraka Planet 

  • Such people are combative and too competitive, according to Mars as Atmakaraka. They have quick tempers and have the potential to be violent.
  • Family and social life are very important to these people. They reveal themselves to be incredibly empathetic and kind.
  • They may be skilled debaters or orators, but they must still exercise caution when speaking.
  • Such individuals ought to learn to respect their partners and educators. They must learn to value the ideas and opinions of others.
  • Due to their sexual energy and potential involvement in illicit sex, they frequently struggle with closeness in their intimate relationships.

The terms “atma” and “karaka” both refer to the soul. Therefore, it represents a longing for a specific soul. Natural and Char Atmakaraka are the two different varieties of Atmakaraka Planet. Every horoscope’s Natural Atmakaraka planet is the sun. The planet with the highest degree in the natal chart is referred to as the char Atmakaraka, afterwards abbreviated as AK. In Vedic astrology, all eight planets can become Atmakaras with the exception of Ketu.

A crucial part in any horoscope is played by AK. It is comparable to the horoscope’s monarch. It genuinely reveals the soul’s aim or purpose for taking the rebirth. The meeting with the parmatma, or god, and breaking free from the cycle of birth and reincarnation, are the main goals of the atma, or soul. It is known as moksha. Therefore, Moksha is actually given by the Atmakaraka Planet. One should follow the satwik or dharmik route in order to achieve this. We can determine a person’s level of soul strength and connection to their higher selves by observing the strength of the AK. A powerful atmakaraka planet (one with benefics, good dignity, and or aspected by benefics can all increase the strength in descending order) denotes a powerful person who cannot be deterred from their dharmic path by distractions. Vedic astrology predicts that a native with a weak Atmakaraka will be more perplexed than usual. They might suffer since they won’t have the concentration that a strong AK can provide. No planet can produce results that are better or worse than what AK desires.

Karakamsa is the name of the Navamsa Sign that Atmakaraka occupies. Essentially, this word consists of two parts: Karaka, or Atmakaraka, and Amsa, or Navamsa. Lagnamsa is the name of the Navamsa Lagna sign. The Atmakaraka Planet’s wish will be granted if there is any connection between them. As the 5th and 9th houses are known as dharma houses in Vedic astrology, the Trine (the 5th and 9th houses) of the Karakamsa Lagna is extremely important for spiritual development. You are literate Studying the Navamsa Chart.

The Karakamsa Lagna and 10th house from it indicates about the career of a individual. the sign Lord, planets posited and aspecting the 10th house from Karakamsa will have a say in deciding the Career. There is another way to check the career from Karakamsa. Use the Planets position as per the original rasi chart but instead of using the Lagna or Ascendant of Rasi chart, use Karakamsa as the Lagna. For example if a person is born with Mesh rashi and he is having Jupiter Atmakaraka and Jupiter is plaed in Sagittarius Navamsa. So Sagittarius will become the Karakamsa Lagna. Now Read the Rashi chart with original planet Placement but with Sagittarius Lagna. This approach will also give hints about the career. If you are interested in Jaimini Astrology and Atmakaraka, go ahead and read How Jaimini Astrology and Darakaraka is used in Marriage age Prediction.

In the event that a Natual Malefic Planet like Rahu becomes AK, it connotes excellent otherworldly turn of events while Benefic planet implies considerably less. Rahu was the Atmakaraka for Ramkrishna Paramhansa. Yet, the Vimhottori Dasha of Atmakaraka planet is exceptionally irksome and brimming with sufferings uncommonly assuming it is malefic. Yet, in the event that an individual is in a profound sense slanted, it will be useful in its dasha. A retrograde AK shows a well established want just like the reason for the birth. This must be seen from the idea of the planet which turns into the AK. In the event that the Atmakaraka Planet is lifted up, it shows that the spirit has carried out generally excellent things in his/her previous existences and individual with crippled Atmakaraka planet in vedic soothsaying will demonstrate a fallen soul or who has carried out terrible things in previous existences. Atmakaraka shouldn’t just areas of strength for be likewise exceptionally steady of the lagna and lagnesha. All the more explicitly, the position and strength of Atmakaraka planet in D60 diagram will demonstrate previous existence Karma.

Another significant thing, in Jaimini crystal gazing, seventh house from Atmakaraka Planet is urgent for passing judgment on the wedded existence of an individual moreover. You can peruse more on Wedded life and Separation for getting some understanding on the Conjugal joy.

Presently Lets See the impact of various planets when become Atmakaraka according to Vedic soothsaying.

Sun Atmakaraka-Sun Implies Soul in Vedic Crystal gazing. So Sun is normal Atmakaraka for each individual. At the point when Sun is additionally roast atmakaraka, the individual consequently groups Administration characteristics. He is Legitimate and fearless. In any case, he will be vain. He really want to figure out how to beat the Inner self and become modest. This is the reason for the spirit in this birth.

Moon Atmakaraka-With Moon Atmakaraka , The individual is extremely merciful, charitable and amicable in nature. He ought to figure out the sufferings and misery. With Moon Atmakaraka, He ought to gain proficiency with the contrast between genuine affection and misleading Adoration.

Mars Atmakaraka-When Mars is the Atmakaraka Planet, the Individual is offered with fearlessness, energy, strength, capacity to complete troublesome errand. Yet, he ought to follow the way of Peacefulness. This is the illustration which he really wants to learn in this Life. He should grasp the distinction among enthusiasm and animosity. With Atmakaraka Mars in birth diagram, The control of energy and outrage is generally significant.

Mercury Atmakaraka-When Mercury is Atmakaraka, The individual become entirely versatile, speedy student, clever and keen. In any case, he ought to be honest and control his discourse.

Jupiter Atmakaraka-When Jupiter is Atmakaraka in Horoscope, The local ought to continuously regard his master or seniors and care his youngsters. Jupiter is the Karaka for kids, Master, older individual. So we ought to be concerned and cautious about these part of life. With Jupiter Atmakaraka we need to learn illustrations about these everyday issues. We have some incomplete Karma from previous existences with respect to the area Atmakaraka Jupiter means.

Venus Atmakaraka-When Venus becomes Atmakaraka Planet, the individual appreciates extravagance, abundance and all kind of solace throughout everyday life. In any case, with Venus Atmakaraka, he ought to have extremely clean person and grasp the contrast among Adoration and Desire.

Saturn Atmakaraka-This is an intense position. The individual won’t just retain his aggravation and sufferings yet additionally of others. It will enable him to buckle down. With Saturn Atmakaraka, the spirit need to figure out how to conquer depression and cruel truth of life. Yet, this is great for otherworldly development.

Rahu Atmakaraka-This is likewise an intense position. The individual with rahu Atmakaraka might be cheated by others a few time. He will be exceptionally basic and guiltless. In any case, we should recollect that Rahu is consistently retrograde. In the event that you don’t have the foggiest idea what is retrograde if it’s not too much trouble, read it here Everything about Retrograde Planets. Rahu Ketu degrees are determined by taking away from 30º. (Anyway other retrograde planets are determined in the typical manner) for example in the event that Rahu Ketu are 15º 24′ in a diagram, you less this from 30º and the excess degrees will be 14º36′. On the off chance that this degree is more noteworthy than of some other planet, Rahu Ketu will be viewed as the Atmakaraka. Retrograde Atmakaraka for the most part means some exceptionally well established unfulfilled craving from past birth as well as from a few births. However, Rahu as Atmakaraka Planet is likewise an excellent for profound development.

On the off chance that the Atmakaraka Planet is the Lord, Amatyakaraka is the Pastor of the Horoscope. In the event that there is any association either by combination or common viewpoint or trade among Atmakaraka and amatyakaraka, it is a great Raj Yoga.

Amatyakaraka planet is the planet with second most significant level in birth graph. This assumes an extremely essential part deciding the calling of a person. The Amatyakaraka Planet should be seen from Karakamsa Lagna for deciding vocation growth.The Mahadasha of Atmakaraka may not be generally excellent for materialistic pursuits yet dasha of Amatyakaraka Planet assuming very much positioned will bring part of materialistic increase.

Ishta devata:Karakamsa Lagna and twelfth house from it shows the Ishta Devata of the local. the twelfth house from Karakamsa is classified “jivanmuktamsa”. This is the house meaning the liberation of the spirit and we need to inspect this house to be aware of ishta devata. Assuming there is one planet in twelfth house from Karakamsa, the rulling divinity of that planet turns into the Ishta devata. Assuming there is more than one planet, we need to pick the most grounded one. Assuming there is no planet, we really want to see the perspective. Assuming that no planet is aspecting the twelfth place of Karakamsa, we need to think about the twelfth master. Be that as it may, Recollect, Ishta devata isn’t really for materialistic increase. It is for learing the karmic overabundance and progress in the way of Moksha. This divinity will free us from the pattern of birth and resurrection. Without satisfactory planning, revering Ishta devata will acquire inconvenience life as during the time spent cleaning the spirits, we need to manage such a large amount karma. Further In the event that the planet set in twelfth from Karakamsa, is in a malefic yoga in rashi diagram, difficult issue can begin. So It is smarter to revere Kula Devata which is seen from the ninth place of Karakamsa for in general thriving and favorable luck.

Functions of AtmaKaraka Planet

Atmakaraka planet is the king of the planets, as was already mentioned. Atmakaraka’s placement in the horoscope is quite important. Pay close attention to the house in the birth chart where the atmakaraka planet is located. Due to the fact that this house is where all karmic events occur, it becomes the primary house. The Atmakaraka planet foresees how the soul will evolve over the course of a lifetime. The Atmakaraka planet, which displays the whole of the native’s karmic experiences, defines the soul and Karma of the individual.

The other karakas in the chart perform better when the Atmakaraka in the kundli is strong. It aids in minimising the negative impacts of the lesser planets. However, if the Atmakaraka is weak, the most powerful and Even the planets that are most advantageous could not produce the finest results.

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