Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) transit 2022


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Rahu (North Node) in Aries and Ketu (South Node) in Libra transit 2022


Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) Nodes of the Moon. These are the shadows of the Moon which cannot be seen normally but can be seen on eclipse days only. These Nodes are not the planets but their effect can be felt in a very strong way. These Nodes act as a magnetic field which cannot be seen but we can feel like a magnetic pull around the iron object. These Nodes are the karmic forces which bring the issues of the past life and to be solved, and positive changes can be seen for our betterment of the future. 

Rahu and Ketu tend to change the zodiac sign after every 18 months. Rahu and Ketu are about to change signs on March 16, 2022 till end of November 2023, according to the True Nodes system. Both will remain in these respective signs  and create significant changes in your life and in the world. These planets are indicators of your past karma and future life  and play a significant role in shaping your present life situations.

The transits of Rahu and Ketu through the houses will also show the areas affected by these Nodes.   The axis Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) in Houses work together. The eclipses pinpoint the energy escalation in the axis in the house of your chart.

Rahu (North Node) will transit in the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars, sign of  individuality, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Ketu (South node) will transit in the sign Libra ruled by Venus, sign of relationship, harmony, compromise and business. 

Rahu in Aries will teach you how to develop your own identity and to take your own path in your  life. Being more assertive and direct in your approach. Learning to do your own thing and not listening to others. Try to look at things on your own, being decisive and making decisions on your own. Ketu in Libra realizes that your life is not about pleasing others and you should not depend on others for your vision of life. Letting go of other people’s opinion and focusing on your guts will be the theme of the Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra.  

Rahu (North Node) in Aries and Ketu (South Node) in Libra transit for Each Ascendant/Moon.


From ascendant you will get results in your life and from Moon sign you will get results psychologically. Depending on the sign of Venus and Mars in transit, Nodes will work and their results will differ throughout the transit . Other planetary positions also matter and they also influence Nodes during this transit. 

For Aries Rahu transit in 1st and Ketu transit in 7th house. The 1st house  represents identity and body. Rahu gives you interest in materialist affairs. Rahu in Aries is very willful and a sign of entrepreneurship and wants to do something. As Rahu transit in Aries suddenly you will feel a boost in your self-confidence in dealing with a large number of situations that could be challenging. It could also bring some confusion concerning your own identity with people around you. You will  focus on yourself too much and leave your partner and your partner feels rejected. The area of vulnerability is your body, identity and relationship. So watch out for physical discomfort, and relationships. Relationships will be tested and anything repressed will certainly come out to the surface. If the relationship is not on good terms this will cause a break up. But if your relationship is strong then relationships will go through a testing period and that will strengthen the bond between you and your partner. 

For Taurus Rahu transit in 12th and Ketu transit  in 6th house. The 12th is of loss, isolation, meditation, spiritualism, foreign land, confinement etc. Ketu can bring out relationship issues, enemies or detractors from the past life. Deal now with the issues they present rather than ignoring them. Your past relationships, enemies will constantly bother you but you will succeed after a few difficulties. Excessive expenditure may also take place. Undiagnosed health problems may occur.  Step families are particularly important during this transit. You may not be totally comfortable with them, but you have to deal with them. You may have a lot of pressure in your workplace. You should learn how to get over your problems with your intelligence & abilities. 

For Gemini Rahu transit in 11th and Ketu transit in 5th house. Rahu on the 11th can give a great boost to your financial situation and social circle.  Rahu likes to challenge or break limits on normalized social networks and goal-achievement. Rahu brings taboo-breaking marketplace behaviors into the associative network. But in either sphere try to avoid a feeling of dissatisfaction. You may be achieving great financial success but if you feel you are not achieving enough, you may take many  financial risks. You can feel dissatisfied regardless of the amount of money you make. Ketu in the 5th can create issues with children and romantic partners that need to be sorted out. You may feel guilty about your relationship with them, but there’s no use holding this baggage of the past. You should let it go and give independence to your children and your lovers.

For Cancer Rahu transit in 10th and Ketu transit in 4th house. This is a great transit for your professional success, but not such a good one for your emotional happiness. Rahu enjoys the 10th house and it will show that you are expressing your full potential whatever you want to achieve in your career. You get a boost in your career and gain a reputation. Those seeking job promotions foreign postings will get positive results. Higher authorities will help you in achieving your goals. This is a transit where you can be extremely successful in professional life but Ketu in the 4th house creates a feeling of emotional dissatisfaction particularly if you are over focused on material success and ignoring your home life and inner peace.  You will feel unhappy due to ketu transiting on the 4th creating conflicts with mother and discord in home life which taking away your inner peace.


For Leo Rahu transit in 9th and Ketu in 3rd transit house. The 9th house is for traveling, opportunities, parents, religion and higher learning. Rahu in 9th is very good to gain knowledge around religion and spirituality.  Rahu transit in your 9th house will provoke you for some of your useless beliefs. You will explore them and bring some clarity around your dogmatic beliefs. Rahu focuses on paternal relationships, philosophies and good luck.  You could travel overseas for higher education or for  professional work.Ketu in the house of siblings could activate some karmic issues and bring to the differences carried over from previous lives or childhood. Problems may arise from brothers or sisters. The 3rd house also deals with your will and the personal desire. These could be the main issues of your life, so keep it all in perspective. Visits to some religious or a place of spiritual significance will take place.  

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