Timing/Transits of Finding Love and Relationship in Astrology

 Have you been waiting for a love, relationship or marriage partner? You are just waiting, waiting and waiting.  There are some people who want to know about their timing/transit of meeting the right person or when they will get a relationship or marriage. In astrology there is transit for every event to unfold. Transit in astrology means your planetary  alignment in such a way that there are chances that you might meet your lover (boyfriend/girlfriend) or could be life partner (husband/wife).


There are mainly two main planets of relationship and marriage and these are Venus and Jupiter. Venus rules romantic relationships and Venus is a planet that helps to bring two people together into relationships. Venus is the karaka (significator) of the wife in the man chart and Jupiter is the karaka (significator)husband in the woman chart according to the Jamini astrology. 


There are houses in astrology which represent love and relationship in the birth chart. The 5th house represents what you love most and it’s your heart’s desire. This house represents love and affairs. 12th and 8th houses also represent love but they are more of a kind of secretive, physical oriented type love affair or extramarital affair.  The 7th house represents long term committed relationships like marriage. 


Transits for love and relationship: 

The ascendant represents the individual who wants the relationship. Whenever Venus is going to cross/transit the 1st house or ascendant, it brings love and relationship. This can be a very basic transit for love and relationships because Venus is a natural indicator for love and relationships. If Venus transits the rulers of the 7th, and 9th or it transits in the 7th and 9th house it could also bring love and relationship ( marriage). Seventh house represents connecting with others in a physical bonding and the 9th house represents a long term relationship. Whenever Jupiter and the lord of the 7th house transits in the 1st or in the 9th house this transit is more indicative of things like marriage,  committed, deeper and stronger relationships. And if Venus or Jupiter itself rule these houses then it is a double significant of the relationships.


Relationship factors are different for everyone because everyone has a different ascendant. If someone has the Sun rules the 7th house and Saturn rules the 9th house. Then whenever these two planets cross the ascendant, then this could also bring relationships. For Cancer or Leo ascendant people the seventh house lord is Saturn. Saturn takes two and half years to get the result. That means for Cancer and Leo ascendant; relationships are more long-term because Saturn is a slow moving planet. Looking at the 7th and 9th house lords will give you some ideas about whether you are going to get a relationship or not.


In Vedic astrology there is a divisional chart for every aspect of life. The 9th divisional charts are for relationships and marriage. We can also check charts for  timing in divisional charts also. Divisional chart works when the timing of birth is correct. If Mercury is the 1st and Sun is the 7th house ruler in the divisional chart then it means that both Mercury and Sun are also primary indicators for relationships.


Transits for love and relationships are complicated. Planets interaction by transits play a very important role in what type of relationship you will get. For example if Venus comes together with Mars in transit it means you could be attracted towards a very passionate or physical (infatuation) type of relationship.


It takes time to trace the transits as they move and see when they bunch up (conjunction) together and you can judge what type or important time for love and relationships coming in your life. 

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