Vedic Marriage Relationship Compatibility in Astrology

 A relationship compatibility in marriage shows if you have a good flow of compatibility energy between your partner/spouse.  Nowadays relationships are very challenging and it is very tough to get a perfect match. A Vedic Marriage Compatibility reading in astrology is a great help in determining what kind of compatibility you will have with your partner/spouse. Your horoscope with another person’s horoscope will reveal the truth about your relationship patterns with them.

Vedic Marriage compatibility analysis is ancient and very accurate. In Vedic astrology there is a kuta system which is based on the Moon entirely. The kuta system is predominantly a measure of the flow of consciousness. This is the vital life force between the two people and how this energy harmonizes in the relationship. If there is a blockage in the energy flow between two people, then they have to face lack of happiness in their relationship consciously or subconsciously.

The kuta point system is a powerful and unique feature of Vedic relationship astrology. It shows the level of your horoscope compatibility.

                                                   The Kuta Point System

Vedic astrology uses a point system that mathematically calculates the personal traits of each person’s birth nakshatra.

1. Vedha Kuta: Obstruction – a terrible blemish – mutually repellent nakshatras. When you have the connection of “obstacles” , then partners will face constant challenges in trying to be together. When “obstacles” aren’t present between partners then they are able to overcome any outside interference and live peacefully. The birth stars of the boy and girl should not be Vedha stars.

Vedha (harmful) Nakshatras towards each other.

Ashwini Vedha (harmful) to Jyeshta

Bharani Vedha (harmful) to Anuradha

Krittika Vedha (harmful) to Vishakha

Rohini Vedha (harmful) to Swati

Mrigashira Vedha (harmful) to Dhanistha

Ardra Vedha (harmful) to Shravana

Punarvasu Vedha (harmful) to Uttara Ashadha

Pushya Vedha (harmful) to Purva Ashadha

Ashlesha Vedha (harmful) to Mula

Magha Vedha (harmful) to Revati

Purva Phalguni Vedha (harmful) to Uttara Bhadrapada

Uttara Phalguni Vedha (harmful) to Purva Bhadrapada

Hasta Vedha (harmful) to Shatabhisha

2. Rajju Kuta: Rope – binds a couple to misfortune based on similar body parts. Rajju should not be the same. If they have the same rajju they may face some problems in life. When you have the connection of “misfortune,” it’s difficult to relax and enjoy each other in a relationship. When you don’t have the connection of misfortune between your stars, you enjoy a far greater chance of being able to have your connection easily unfold and grow. 

There are five Rajju: 

Pada Rajju: The couple will wander and not be settled in life. The partners could become psycho­logically ‘unstable’. The person becomes restless and develops a desire to ‘wander’. Consciously or unconsciously the person will create circumstances that keep them away from each other.

Ooro Rajju: This may in due course lead to sexual problems on the physical or psychological level. There may be a feeling of frustration. The subtle or sublime experience of sexual satisfaction will be denied. Gradually the interest will decline.

Kati Rajju: On the mental level it may lead to states of anxiety, tension, feelings of insecurity, unreasonable fear and similar complexes. Loss of courage and confidence will lead to lack of initiative and hesitation in taking up responsibilities. Each one of the partners may develop some of these problems, not necessarily the same or all of them.

Greeva Rajju: One of the partners may find the conversation of the other very uninteresting, rude and without affection. The intentions of one will not be clear to the other, there will be frequent misunderstanding. This may lead to serious marital problems.

Siroh Rajju: The couple may have fits of temper and unreasonable anger in one of the partners. Consequently there may be violent incidents. One of them may develop the desire to go to hell, to cheat on the other, to be unfaithful. At times there may be a compulsive desire to be promiscuous or indulge in extramarital relationships.

If the Rajju kuta of husband and wife are in different Rajju, then they will live a happy married life.

3. Strii Deergha: Shows the distance between the Moons. The shortest distance should be from the man’s to the woman’s Moon. This Strii Deergha or women moon to man moon distance is the number one reason for unhappiness or break up in relationship. There is energy flow in the zodiac, energy flow from Aries sign to Pisces sign. This energy flow is checked from the moon sign of man and woman. women always in the receiving role and men always in the giving role, there should be less distance from man moon to woman moon for good relationship. But if it opposite there will be emotional problem between couples and relationship could break.

If these three do not match we should not go further because these three are the main indicator of good marriage. 

The other kutas are: 

Nadi Kuta: Dosha – balance in emotional element – there is windy, fiery and watery nadi – if a couple have the same nadi there will be an excess of that element. Air=intellect – fire =anger – water=emotion. 8 points

Bhava kuta: (Sign) – Position of Moon from each other- Whether there is similar / supportive mental outlook. 2/12 – 6/8 – 5/9 Difficulty. 7 points.

Gana: Temperament – God (deva), Devil (rakshas) or Human (manushya) temperament – We all have our own nature. We all have different points of views about life, values and beliefs. It’s good if you and your partner are of the same temperament. best when the woman has the higher temperament. 6 points

Graha Maitram/Rasyadhipati: Friendliness of Moon sign lord, shows a similarity of interests. 5 points

Yoni Kuta: Sexual compatibility – shows the capacity to bond through sexual experiences. When you and your partner are compatible sexually, you’ll be able to bond through intense experiences. while partners that are disruptive with each other may not able to find compatible sexually themselves and disappointed or bored with each other sexually. 4 points.

Dina or Tara: Day matching – important for the woman to feel cherished. – 3 points.

Vasya: Attraction – special inner connection. A partner can really be in love with each other and they’ll have an extremely hard time resisting one another or staying apart with each other. – 2 points.

Varna/Caste: Man should belong to a higher class. This factor signifies the degree of spiritual or ego development of the couple – 1 point.

Mahendra: Another special connection. The moon nakshatra of the man counted from the women’s Moon nakshatra should be 4th, 7th, 10th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th. This promotes well-being in the marriage and increases longevity of the marriage. 

The total amount of points to be gained is 36. A minimum is 18 points is fine, to be a good match 21 points should be obtained.

Other factors also considered Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha, ascendant and dasha system. These things should be checked for better judgment of the couple over their life journey. 

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