Winning in Lottery, Sudden gains in Astrology

 Lottery, lottery, lottery. I think we all want to be rich and rich with no effort. What luxury a person gets in life by winning a lottery. But can a common person win a lottery ? I think ‘’no’’. If everyone could win a lottery we all would be millionaires but we are not. Lottery money is unearned  and suddenly gains money. So what are the house and reasons in astrology for people who can win the lottery.

                                                             Lottery astrology house

1. The person should be lucky:  The person should have a good 1st, 5th, and 9th house lord in good dignity, as they are lucky houses in astrology.

2. The person has a good wealth house: 2nd and 11th house lords should be in good dignity. The 2nd and 11th house represents wealth and material possessions.

3.The person should be good in speculative business: 5th house represents speculative stock market and gambling. The 5th house lord should be in good dignity.

4. Unearned and sudden gain of money: 8th house present sudden and unearned money. The 8th lord should be in good dignity. 

5. The 11th house: Represent fulfillment of  desire. So a good 11th house can fulfill your desire. 

There are mainly two planets of wealth and these are Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter and Venus should be good signs and houses to win the lottery.  


Table of Contents

8th House 

 Lottery astrology aspects

​To win a lottery there should be  Venus-Jupiter aspect or conjunction should  be there in the birth chart. Venus is the natural ruler of the 2nd house, who represents hoarded wealth and material possessions. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and good fortune. Aspects between 2nd lord and 9th lord if they are of good dignity (exalted or own sign) can help in winning the lottery. 

                                                          Lottery astrology transits

Good planets in the 5th 8th and 9th house can bring money through gambling. There should be a combination of these houses with the 2nd and 11th house. Exalted Jupiter transiting 8th house can bring luck in lottery winning for some people.

                                                         Lottery astrology numbers

Numbers play a very important role in when we choose to play to win the lottery.  One should have a number  which has a significant meaning in their life. Your birth date is a special number and you can use this number in combination with the life path and name number. To win a lottery one can find their lucky number with help of a numerologist. Some people have their internal feeling about which number is lucky. They can use their insight when choosing a lottery ticket.

At the end 8th house has a big role in winning the lottery. The 8th house represents sudden gain in life. 8th houses play a very big role in making people from rags to riches or riches to rags.

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