Career in Astrology Through Nakshatra Part 2

 Career in astrology in a deeper level assess by nakshatra of career associated house and planets. Nakshatra of Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th house lord are naturally shows interest and capabilities in you. Ascendant nakshatra shows your basic interest throughout your life. Sun nakshatra shows what your soul want to do and Moon nakshatra show where you mentally naturally inclined and 10th house’s lord nakshatra is your work in life. Check your  nakshatra of career associated house and planets, Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th lord nakshatra and guess where you are more inclined it can be your career path. Nakshatra associated with North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu) can be your soul purpose. Nakshatra of these Lunar Nodes makes you naturally compel to achieve something in your life.

Career Magha Nakshatra: Range (0°00′ Leo – 13° 20′ Leo)
Professions: Administrators, Managers, Royalty and those in direct touch with Royalty, Those who bestow or receive honours like “knighthood” etc., Those in high places in Government, People at the top of their chosen professions, Legends, Bureaucrats, Aristocrats, Officials, Chairmen those in a position of authority, Judges, Referees, Magistrates and the like  Politicians, Historians, Upholders of Traditions, Professions relating to Museums of all types, Occultists Black Magicians, Exorcists, Astrologers, Dealers in Antiques of all types, Archaeologists, Genetic Engineering Experts, Professions related to using and researching Ancient Knowledge, Monuments etc. Those who are Researching and Documenting Lineages, heritage, antiques, archeologist, historians, genealogy, forefathers, kings, Presidents.

Career Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Range 13°21 Leo – 26°40 Leo.
Professions: Government Officials, Executives, Diplomats, Dealers in products related to women, Gemstone Industry, Entertainers, Beauticians, Makeup Artists, Models, Photographers, Event Managers, Art Gallery Managers, Singers, mostly romantic types, Musicians, Creative Artists, Teaching profession in general, Dye Makers, Interior Decorators and Designers, All professions connected with Marriages, Marriage Ceremonies, Those involved in Dating Agencies, Leisure and Tourism Industry, People connected with Production and Distribution of Incenses, Toiletries and related Venusian Products, Goldsmiths and  Jewelers, Wool, Cotton and Silk industry, Actors, Theater, Creative marriage rituals, Wedding planners, Media personalities, Sports Superstars. 

Career Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: Range 26°40’ Leo to 10°00’ Virgo.
Professions: Creative Artists, Musicians, Entertainers, Superstars and Male Sex Symbols, Managers, Leaders of all types and Public Figures like Sport Superstars, Those in high positions and held in esteem by others, Media and Entertainment industry, Priests, Heads of organizations, Teachers and Preachers, Philanthropists, Marriage Counselors, Professions connected to United Nations, International Diplomats, Founding fathers and other Patriotic Figures, Professional Advisers in all fields, Restaurants,  Beverage service, Butlers, working with animals, veterans doctors. all service professions, nutritionist, dieticians, food service, waiters, chefs, doctors, healers, nurses, flight attendants, restaurants, health facilities, caretakers, employees, medical professions, councilors, claims adjustors, butlers, working with animals, veterans doctors.

Career Hasta Nakshatra: Range 10°00 Virgo – 23°20 Virgo.
Professions: Artisans, Manual Labor, All professions requiring dexterity of hand, Mechanics, Jewellery makers, Origami Experts, Acrobats, Gymnasts and Circus performers, Fairy Tale Writers, Those involved in the invention and production of daily Utility items, Publishing & Printing Industry, Stage Magicians, Pickpockets, Stock Brokers, Packaging Industry, Paper Industry, Manicurists, Toy Makers, Carpenters, Business men in all fields, Clerks, Bankers, Accountants, Typists, Cleaners, Housekeepers, Hand Doctor, Sewing, Physiotherapists, Chemical and Toiletry Industry, Textile industry, Tarot Card Readers, Palmists, Astrologers, Pottery and Ceramic industry,Sculptors, Those connected with Amusement Parks, Sales Persons in all fields, Professional Comedians, Radio & Television Commentators, Speech Therapists, All street smart professions in general,  Magicians, Hand crafts.

Career Chitra Nakshatra: Range 23°20 Virgo – 06°40 Libra.
Professions: All types of Craftsmen and Artisans, Sculptors, Architects, Designers, Fashion Designers, Models, Fashion Industry, Cosmetic Industry, Plastic surgeons, Surgeons in General, Photographers, Graphic Artists, Composers, Orators, Comperes and Broadcasters, All professions requiring special abilities and versatility, Business Experts, Interior Designers, Jewellery makers, Vastu and Feng Shui Experts, All professions involving invention and production of all kinds of machinery, Builders of all kinds, Landscapers, Painters, Screenplay writers, Novelists, Production and Set designers, Art Directors, Those associated with Theatre or Theatre groups, Stage Managers, Performers of all kinds, Jazz Musicians, Musicians with an original and out of ordinary approach, Herbologists, Advertising Industry, Gemologist, Jewelry, Artist, painter.

Career Swati Nakshatra: Range: 06 ° 40′ Libra – 20 ° 00′ Libra.
Professions: Businessmen and Tradespeople of all types, Wrestlers, All sports, especially those relying on breath control, Singers, Musicians playing Wind Instruments like Horns & Organ, Researchers, Technology experts, Independent Enterprises, Government related Service Professions, Aeronautical Industry, Pilots, Professions connected with the Aviation industry, Transportation Industry, Socialites, Professions involving use of speech like News Readers etc. Computer and Software Industry, Professions requiring flexibility and quick ingenuity, Serving Professions like Housekeepers and Right-hand-man types, Kite Makers, Adventure Sports people like Skydivers, Balloonists, Educators, Teachers, Lawyers, Judges, Politicians, Trade-Union and Working Class Leaders, Diplomats, Hosts, Hostesses, Merchants, Good salesmen, and talkers, Negotiator, Mediator, Lobbyist, Marriage counselors.

Career Vishaka Nakshatra: Range 20°00’ Libra – 03°20’ Scorpio.
Professions: Bartenders, Alcohol and Liquor Industry, Manual Labor, Fashion Models & Actresses, All professions involving use of speech like TV & Radio Broadcasters, Politicians, Marching Bands, Sports Persons especially sports requiring Herculean efforts, Cults and other types of Ideological Fanatics, Religious Fundamentalists, Professional Agitators, Soldiers, Dancers, Critics, Custom and Immigration Officials, Policing Jobs, Guards, Militant Revolutionaries, politicians, Sex therapist, tax collectors, CPAs, insurance adjusters, insurance business, bill collectors, business management, criminal lawyers, organizers of large groups, Leaders.

Career Anuradha Nakshatra: Range 03° 20’ Scorpio – 16° 40’ Scorpio.
Professions: Hypnotists and Psychic Mediums, Occultists, Institution and Organization Heads, Astrologers, Spies, All occupations involving Night Duty, Photographers, Musicians, Artists, Managers, Industrialists, Promoters, Counselors, Psychologists, Scientists, Numerologists, Statisticians, Explorers, Miners, Factory Workers, Diplomats, All professions connected with dealing with Foreign Countries, Travel and Foreigners, All professions requiring group activity. Criminal lawyers, Deep Discoveries, Psychics, Astrologers, Metaphysics, Morticians.

Career Jyeshtha Nakshatra:  Range 16°40 Scorpio to 30°00 Scorpio.
Professions: All Policing Professions; Government Officials, Administrative Posts of all types, Reporters, Radio and Television Commentators, Talk Show Hosts, Actors, Trade Unionists; Occultists (mainly Black Magicians), Detectives, Mafia, Politicians,  Bureaucrats, Naval Professions, Military Professions in general, Salvation Army and other such ‘Caring for the Aged’ professions,  Athletes, especially Sprinters, Surgeons, morticians, funeral homes, grave sites, drug counselors, psychoanalysis, recovery, researchers, Detectives Scientist, Private investigation, Fraud Experts, Murder lawyers, Police detectives, Mystics, Psychics, Military Leaders, Shamans, Those involved in the supernatural powers. 

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