Love, Is it making our Children Stronger and Smarter?

 I have 2 kids and they are growing up fast. I was trying to look at how we interact while learning and dealing with situation in life. I love my kids and probably all parents do (may be everyone has a different way to express love )

Let’s deal with following scenarios for our children and see how it works out.. In bottom of the article there are 3 videos from youtube.. how to praise kidsDeveloping a growth Mindset and How to let altruism be your guide

“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.”  Aristotle

1) Child struggling in studies.

As a parent I love my child and don’t want my child to struggle , but not cause them pain as well. Will my child be better off by staying in their comfort zone or me pushing a bit hard to learn and be better. If i don’t do that .. they will not perform good in school and may have lack of self worth as they don’t know as much as others around them.. so is it wise for me to push a little hard on my kids or let them figure out how to deal with it?

2) Dealing with difficult situations
I think as we grow up we have to deal with situations which are out of our comfort zone. Look around and see how many people around us including ourselves are good at dealing with things that are unexpected and beyond our comfort zone. I think this is the best skill or learning we can give it to our children. Teaching this will be hard as we are always asking them to deal with situations which are out of their comfort zone.  They may not like it .. but they will thank us for teaching them this skill.. I wish if I had learned this lot earlier in life.   We can give comfort to our child when they are struggling or having a difficulty  .. by avoiding the situation  or we can help them understand and make them stronger to deal with the situation which could make things easier in life for them at later stage in life.
3) Dealing with other people
all said and done we have to deal with other people to be happy and successful in life, if we don’t know how to deal with other people it will be hard to be happy with family, spouse and workplace. I think this is a important skill to have and we need to teach our kids how to .. other wise they will have difficulty dealing around.

4) Being competitive
I think this is a tough one.. we want our kids to be able to work with other people and if we look a it .. if we are not competitive or watchful of our interest others will take advantage of … so in some ways we need to teach our kids to be able to work with others and still be able to watch our interest. I think this one is tough as it is contradictory of cooperation, but it is an important one .. I am still learning 🙂

talk about learning .. we as adults have a hard time learning thing.. it will be probably harder for the kids to lean how to deal with the situation in hand.We need to use the power of love to make our kids  brave and stronger to be able to do well and be happy in life. 

They trust us, if we don’t teach them or make them brave to deal with a situation we are in some ways betraying our child trust  as they don’t know what is right for them when they are young.
Is love for our children making them stronger and smarter or we are making them soft/ weaker. What ever we are doing …will they be stronger in life when we are not around them or will they struggle without our presence/ guidance.

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