Pattern of Planets Drives our life in Birth Chart Astrology

 There are four stations of life. Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.  These four stations of life divide into three sectors which are self, others and universal. The houses 1-4 are the sector of self, houses 5-8 sectors of others and  houses 9-12 sectors of universal. Depending on the placements of planets in the birth chart shows personal interest of the person and who they are, and why they incarnate in this life. 

Check the number of planets in the birth chart. Are they in the eastern direction (1st  houses), or in the western half ( 7th house) or in the northern half ( 4th house), or southern half ( 10th houses) of the chart. Then make a list of the planets. 

If the number of planets is in the eastern  half, then the person can dictate the course of his/her own personality and focus on self. 

With the number of planets in the western half, then the person  is seldom the real author of his/her own destiny,  often he/ she depends on others  to start him/her off.

If the number of planets is more in the northern half, then the person is more subjective than objective. Thus, he/she is more concerned with the spiritual and the invisible.

If the number of planets is more in the southern half, then the person is more objective than subjective, thus, he/she is more concerned with the  career and visible in the society. 

The placement of the planets in your birth chart forms a shape or pattern. This system is based upon the placement and distribution of the planets within the chart and what each of them means. Planets can be placed in any pattern, but there are seven major  patterns of planets in the birth chart, which can tell about native ‘s personality without knowing his ascendant, Sun or Moon sign. 


Type 1: Splash


The planets are splashed all throughout the birth chart. The planets occupy almost all houses, and there are no adjacent vacant houses. The native can have diverse interests, universal interests, and interest in all subjects. The native will either scatter the energies indiscriminately. These people need to work hard to prevent being a “jack of all trades, master of none”.


Type 2: Bundle


The planets are tightly bunched into no more than four of the houses of the birth chart. The native may have extreme focus on one area of life. These people can be  obsessive, concentrating only on one area of life and ignoring the rest of the area of life. These people can achieve a lot that needs to be pulled out from a small area of life. They should pay attention to the other areas of life too. 


Type 3: Bowl


All of the planets occupy half of the birth chart, they should be in 6 houses of the 12 houses. The subject is a strongly self-contained person and has great inner resources. The occupied half of the chart reveals the activity and organization of the self. Which continually seeks to explore the activity symbolized by the vacant half of the houses. These people feel like “something is missing” and seek experiences to balance out.


Type 4: Bucket


All planets except one (or two together) occupy no more than one half of the birth chart. The one or two planets together oppose the other planets. The single or two planets across the other side of the birth chart make the bucket “handle” and it’s especially emphasized as a life theme. The handle planet is the most important planet of the bucket pattern. Focusing all the energy of the bowl planets and acting as their point of release. These people will direct his/her efforts toward a single direction. 


Type 5: Seesaw


The planets are bunched into two opposing groups, like a bow tie. The native may feel pulled in two contrasting directions. Their life theme may be about learning compromise, being a mediator, or balancing oppositions in themselves. These people realize two directly opposed types of experience. Therefore developing an awareness of conflict. The pattern of life has an up and down motion like a seesaw. 


Type 6: Locomotive


The planets occupy only 2/3 of the entire chart, they’re in 9 of the 12 houses. The remaining 1/3 of the chart can be an unexpressed area or, you may need to work harder to pay attention to those areas. These people have a strong sense of lack that will produce an inner compulsion to seek fulfillment and will develop high executive abilities and a strong self-driving individuality. These people are single minded driven


Type 7: Splay


The planets are not arranged into any one of the other six patterns but are distributed somewhat irregularly around the birth chart, usually based upon three points of emphasis.. The native has the ability to entrench  into its own stronghold so that the native always has something to which can always turn in times of stress. They may have several strong interests or areas of strength. For example, a chart splayed in the 8th house of regeneration and the 10th house of career could indicate a person who’s successful both in their work and  understanding about the deep truth of life.

A stellium is formed when three or more planets are found in a house. If you find a stellium in any house, You experience an unusual amount of activity through matters concerning that house. 

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