Vedic astrology is the science of time and vastu is the science of space. The word vas means (dwell). Vastu is the field of vedic knowledge that tells us about the best way to arrange the space around us to generate maximum effectiveness and prosperity. Feng shui, the chinese system, is the cousin of vastu.
We live in a matrix of energy, or force. If these energies are misaligned with solar and geomagnetic force our life can be dysfunctional and disturbed. In shastra vastu is described as having five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space. These are the same elements that exist within us. A building or home has life as we humans have and it stands on the earth as we live on the earth. If we want to live harmoniously, the material or home in which we are living should also be in harmony. In vastu we orient our physical body and their energies to their best possible position in architectural structure and in space. Everyone should consult before building, buying, or remodeling a home .
In Vastu, the ideal house floor plan is divided into 81 squares. Each of these squares represents a force of nature which is ruled by the deities. Vastu shastra says that everything on earth is influenced by nine planets. Each planet except ketu guards a direction and is called Ashtadikpalakas. Each direction is ruled by a specific deity and is believed to enhance a specific element of daily living.
Planets and Their Direction
Sun: Sun is the lord of health and vitality and it rules the East Direction (chief of the God). For homes, there should be a dining room, children’s room, living room, family room, and should have big windows, bath, or washroom. For business you can have storage for gee, oil, milk, liquid things in this direction.
Moon: Moon is the lord of water and it rules North-West direction. For homes, guest room, storage room, maids room, garage, pets, toilet, second choice for kitchen
Mars: Mars is the lord of action and it rules South Direction. For homes, no main entrance and no main entrance for business. This area is good for weapons, exercise area, toilet area, major electrical appliance, and there should be no bedroom.
Mercury: Mercury is the word of intelligence and it rules North direction ( kubera, lord of wealth). For homes, storage for valuables, mirrors on the north wall, children’s room, with heads west for sleep, face east to study, living room, and basement. For business lockers and storage for valuables.
Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of fortune. It rules the North East-direction (Eshana supreme lord). For homes, prayer or puja room, religious shrine, open porch, living room, no toilet, no staircase.
Venus: Venus is the lord of happiness and it rules South-East direction. For homes, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, face east to cook, fireplace, garage best if separate from house.
Saturn: Lord of wind and it rules the West direction. For homes, children’s rooms, with head west to sleep, and face to east to study, study area, dining area. For business build products here.
Rahu: Lord of destruction and it rules South-West direction. For homes, storage areas for heavy items, no pooja rooms, no toilet. For business administrators, owner, business planning, and development.
Center, Brahmasthana: Lord of creation. For homes, silent areas with no human activity, courtyard, area for religious shrines. For business, shrines for business, no business activity.
Minimum vastu direction: Although we want best possible vastu but it is not possible to abandon our present living. But we can try minimum factors to be considered.
1. Locate the master bedroom in the southwest or south direction.
2. Place the kitchen in the southeast or second best, in the northwest direction.
3. Enter the house from east or northeast, avoid south facing doors from other directions.
4. Keep more windows and other openings in the east and north direction.
5. Sleep in the south west corner of your bedroom, with head to the south or east direction. Bed should not be up against the wall.
6. Keep the north and east sections of the room as free and uncluttered as possible.
7. Place life supporting and positive images painting and decoration in rooms. War, mask, weapons, cactuses, and sad or negative aspects of life pull down energy from life.
Living in harmony with nature or the universe will help us in living a peaceful, prosperous and happy life.