Career in Astrology Through Nakshatra Part 2
Career in astrology in a deeper level assess by nakshatra of career associated house and planets. Nakshatra of Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th house lord are naturally shows interest and …
Career in astrology in a deeper level assess by nakshatra of career associated house and planets. Nakshatra of Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th house lord are naturally shows interest and …
Career in astrology in a deeper level can be assess by nakshatra and career associated house and planets. Nakshatra of Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th house lord are naturally shows …
Career is very important to consider because of career we have our daily bread and butter. Most of our time is spent in our workplace. Sometimes it seems difficult to …
In astrology the career and money walk together. If you have a good career then definitely you have good money. Although money can be gained not only from work but …
To Start with I can say that we are our own best well wisher . We are living through this life .. If we look at it there is so much that …
Astrologer has to be a good Counselor . If they are just interested in making money then one needs to be careful. Someone who is pursuing astrology as a carrier …
I am a father with two kids in the house. We are constantly trying to teach our kids something or the other. I have seen them struggling with the concepts …
There is always debate on fate and freewill. Most of the people are confused. They think when everything is predestined then where is the free will ? I want to …
Every astrological birth chart can show experience of the child. There is saying that as above as below what ever exist outside it exist within us. The sign of the …
Sun is the planet of father in astrology; by looking Sun sign and house placement of a child we get insight about father and child relationship. Sun is the main …