Technically Right … does that make you Happy?? Self Analysis
(you need to read the whole article to have fun) For a common person (Person B) who does not have much interest in color.. these both will almost look …
(you need to read the whole article to have fun) For a common person (Person B) who does not have much interest in color.. these both will almost look …
How many times we think that we have been given bad advice and people don’t think well and they intentionally give bad advice to us so that we fail. I …
How many time you may have felt that people are lying to us. I have been blamed that i am not sharing what i know. If you look at a …
As they say mind is the most powerful thing. So that makes our thoughts the most powerful and a vehicle of our desires to achieve what we want. LAW OF …
We have to learn ourselves how to be at peace within ourselves.. It is a constant struggle and we need to keep on trying to be at peace within ourselves. …
There are four stations of life. Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. These four stations of life divide into three sectors which are self, others and universal. The houses 1-4 are …
When you ask about your personality, most of the astrologer describes your ascendant. But this is half of the story about your personality. To have the full picture of your …
There are 6 axis in Astrology. Each axis is concerned with a unique set of theme of life. The Signs that are 180 degrees apart or opposite each other known …
|| Enemies are Often Hidden in Family, Relatives and Friends || Enemies in life is very common, we all have enemies. The question is how bad? Now a day’s life …
There are some configurations of planets in the birth chart, which can give a person some extraordinary talent which he/she can raise to great heights in life. Some people are …