Forked Heart Line On Palmistry – Reading and Meaning

The heart line is the top horizontal line on the palm; It refers to how a person expresses his feelings and his attitude towards relationships. 

The basics of reading this line are the same as the head and the lifeline; That is, by looking at its length, depth and quality. The depth of the line reflects the depth of emotion. 

So, a curved line indicates sentiment while a straight line shows control. If one of those two types is the prickly heart line, it has another meaning.

Another way to explain forks on any line is that there is a split in the flow of energy. 

Therefore, if the curved heart line rises towards the index finger, it gives it qualities from Jupiter. 

This type of person has high self-esteem, they are ambitious and they like to be in control of the relationship. 

If there is a fork in the line, it splits some of that energy, suggesting that the subject isn’t always feeling the same.

The small fork at the end of the heart line

A fork at the end that doesn’t reach any other lines indicates that the person has a naturally optimistic outlook on relationships. They have a balance between what is ideal and what is practical.

The length of the forked heart line

The length of the line also makes a difference in the meaning of the fork. A short straight heart line, ending just below or before the middle finger, indicates a relatively self-centered attitude toward love and a lack of emotion or empathy toward others. 

They may try to suppress their emotions by keeping their emotions under control. Fork on a line this way allows them to release those feelings.

If the fork touches the bottom top line, it shows a reluctance to show its feelings. If combined with a long and deeply curved head line and bent fingers, it may reflect depressive properties.

Fork on palm crease:

A barbed heart line generally denotes someone with a level headed emotional nature. They can be complicated, especially if the line is short, sometimes due to seeming cold, and other times too loving, then, like a split personality.

Mostly a barbed line indicates a character that has a wide range of expressions. They can see what is ideal, yet they have a balance between practical and emotional, so they are open-minded. If the tip of the thorn touches another line like the head or the life line, the meaning changes again.

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