Numbers have mysterious powers. In a physical way we can represent this limitation by thinking of vibrations. All expression of life and consciousness in whatever way, is a vibration. It was the recognition of the numerical value of letters that caused a change of name whenever a change of vocation there was changed in destiny.
Vedic astrology has a deep connection with numerology. Since everything started with the Universe and the Universe works on the basis of energy patterns which are numbers. A Number is closely related with vibration created by the sound of a planet in the universe. The Universe started with the basic energy meaning number “zero”. The number zero represents nirakar, brahma, and infinity (energy neither can be created nor can be destroyed; it is always in a balanced form).
The numeral significance of the Zodiacal signs and of the planets becomes clear to us when we take into consideration the fact that the numbers were symbols with a profound meaning. Every number is linked with each planet in astrology and also the name of week’s day is ruled by each planet.
Sunday ruled by the Sun, Monday ruled by Moon, Tuesday ruled by Mars, Wednesday ruled by Mercury, Thursday ruled by Jupiter, Friday ruled by Venus and Saturday ruled by Saturn.
Astrology is connected with Numerology. Each number in numerology is related to planets.
Sun is number 1, Moon is number 2, Jupiter is number 3, Rahu (North Node) and Uranus are number 4, Mercury is number 5, Venus is number 6, Ketu and Neptune are number 7, Saturn is number 8, Mars is number 9.
We are all affected by numbers. Everyone has a life path number which affects them life long. This number represents your nature and carry throughout your life. The life path number is the sum of the birth date. The method of calculation of the life path number is; First, add the day, month, and year together to arrive at a total.
Lifepath in numerology, add all the numbers in your date of birth and reduce it to a single digit. I.e. December, 22, 1972= 12 + 22 + 1972 = 2006 then add this number again. 2006= 2+0+0+6 = 8. This means, this person’s life path number is 8. So what do these life path numbers mean?
Life path Number and their meanings:
Number- 1: This number is ruled by the Sun and these people have Sun-like qualities. These people are giving, self Initiating, confident, self-driven, and have great leadership abilities.
Number- 2: This number is ruled by the Moon and these people have Moon-like qualities. These people are loving, corporating, giving to others, moody, and adaptable.
Number- 3: This number is ruled by Jupiter and these people have Jupiter- like quality. These people are responsible, imaginative ,hopeful, adventurous, optimistic, and have visionary ideas.
Number- 4: This number is ruled by Rahu (North Node) or Uranus and these people have Rahu and Uranus like qualities. These people are ambitious, managers, practical, have organizational abilities, and have bold personalities.
Number- 5: This number is ruled by Mercury and these people have Mercury-like qualities. These people are great communicators, adaptable, flexible, thinker, curious, and creatively expressive.
Number- 6: This number is ruled by Venus and these people have Venus-like qualities. They are, homemaker, service to others, entertainer, decorator, and nurturing.
Number- 7: This number is ruled by Ketu (South Node) and these people have Ketu-like qualities. These people are spiritual, love solitude, scientific, seek knowledge, and nature loving.
Number- 8: This number is ruled by Saturn and these people have Saturn-like qualities. these people are politician, CEO, judge, works for a causes, and humanitarian
Number- 9: This number is ruled by Mars and these people have Mars- like qualities. These people are pioneers, fighters, surgeons, medical people, generous, and giver.
Lucky Numbers:
The number three has special meaning virtually in every culture. Three is the number of trinity in all its forms: Heaven, Earth, and Man; mother, father, child; mind, body, spirit; as well as the sacred trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.
The number nine symbolizes completion and achievement. It is the highest single-digit number, as well as deriving special power as the result of 3×3. Nine is the most-commonly used number in repetitions of mantras and other empowerment methods. All multiples of nine are considered powerful numbers
Numbers also add up to nine: 18 = 1+8 = 9; 27 = 2+7 = 9; 36 = 3+6 = 9; etc.
The number twenty-seven is even more powerful than nine because it multiplies the power numbers of 3 and 9 together. One hundred and eight is a number of great spiritual powers. Malas and other prayer beads usually have 108 beads and are often divided into four groups of 27. Mantras and rituals performed for 108 repetitions demonstrate your deep commitment to transformation.
Some of us who repeatedly see repeated numbers. as the number is related to the planets. This is the message from planets that these people need to explore the meaning of the number and try to connect with these planetary numbers and there is some guidance and learning from these numbers to be done.