Jupiter Conjunction (together) With Saturn / Mars / Mercury in Astrology

   Jupiter Conjunction (together) With      Saturn / Mars / Mercury in Astrology

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, hope, knowledge, fortune, wealth, finances, children, travel and profit in life. Jupiter is the husband in the female chart. Jupiter is the guiding force in every woman’s life. Brihaspati is the guru and grace of the deity. If Jupiter is good in one’s horoscope then it means that he has the grace of God, and everything is taken care of. Jupiter is the guide of life.

                                            Jupiter ½

Saturn is the planet of the world, boundary, boundaries it makes the person aware of time, because Saturn shows you the truth of life. It teaches us to live in reality, Saturn is a symbol of things in life, disciplined in life, practicality, long-term goals. Shani makes people humble by giving harshness in life. Saturn is the power of stability of the mind, to live in solitude and to meditate well.

In astrology, these two planets are different. Shani is about humanity, prestige, status, power and protection of life. Jupiter is the planet of spirituality, religion that unites us with true knowledge of other worlds or life. Although they are neutral to each other, Jupiter weakens in the sign of Saturn where Jupiter is forced to work to live a life he does not like. They both present wealth.

When Jupiter’s conjunction with Saturn is based on karma and they give hope, optimism, guidance, wealth, and happiness related to past life karma. However, Saturn delays things, so this conjunction delays these things in life. These people found themselves around the age of 29 or 36. The dreams and hopes of these people are always hindered by the realism of life due to Saturn energy. They pursue their goals systematically, disciplined, slowly and continuously. These people are responsible, disciplined, focused and hard workers. Initially their spiritual journey is interrupted but later they become very spiritual. He is a seeker of knowledge.

                                                 Jupiter planet Mars

Mangal is the causal planet of karma, individuality, courage, defense, discipline, will-power, ambition, passion, desire, anger, desire to express Kali and white thinking. Mars represents secret enemies, cuts, fire, violence, competition, accidents. Mars is a decision and ability to fight within us. Mars represents male friends, brother and brother figures in life.

Jupiter and Mars are good friends in astrology. This combination is known as “Guru Mangal Yoga”. This is a very good conjugation because Mars is a verb and when it connects with Jupiter it increases energy in a person with guidance and knowledge. A person is energetic, resourceful, pioneering and courageous. These people are very hopeful, optimistic and passionate in their approach to life. They like to learn about life mysteries and learn about philosophy, religious and spirituality. They do their tasks very thoughtfully; They are not irrational in their actions. This makes him possess leadership qualities and fight for the right cause. They are guided by higher knowledge and guidance. Jupiter represents teachers and if these people are teaching subjects, they teach their students with enthusiasm and with full energy. This combination enables people to do good work which they give in exchange for achieving wealth, worldly comfort and financial success. He has good business ability and can be the founder of big


                                                  Jupiter Mercury combination

Mercury is the planet of intelligence, speech, mathematics, analysis and logic. Mercury represents intellectual ability, independent type of thinking, how you remember things. Mercury is about a quick wit, how you calculate things. Mercury in general represents the ability to learn and speak of all intellectual activities. How you communicate with people, the ability to reason and rationalize things.

Mercury is intelligence, and Jupiter is abstract knowledge. Jupiter is a belief system and can be right or wrong. But when Jupiter is with Mercury then this person has the ability to find the true or real meaning of life. They are able to find out whether their belief is right or wrong. They have good decision power and discriminatory power. This combination makes a good teacher. He has a good intellectual level and loves to talk with optimism and hope. He is a good orator about spirituality, philosophy and religion. Mercury represents ideas and is usually an extension of Jupiter. These people have big ideas about life and how to make it better. He is good in studies and higher education. Jupiter is money and Mercury is count. They are good at analytical and calculating and can be good finance advisors.

These are common results when planets are in good sign or good dignity. Results may vary according to the sign and house placement of the junction.

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