Vishaka Nakshatra in Astrology

 Vishakha Nakshatra: Range 20°00′ Libra – 03°20′ Scorpio.

Ruler Planet: Jupiter.

Deity: The god of fire.

Symbols: Archway, potter’s wheel.

Gana (Prakriti): Rakshasa (demons).

Animal symbol: Male tiger.

Sounds: tu, tu, they, tho.

Primary motivation: religion, right activity.

Vishakha Nakshatra comes under the planet Venus (Libra) and Mars (Scorpio) which is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Vishakha is the sixteenth Nakshatra which is called the ‘Star of Purpose’. It resides in the constellation of Libra and consists of four stars that form scales moving towards the sign of the scorpion. This nakshatra is called ‘thorny’ or ‘two-branched’. The symbol ‘Two Branch’ means that, the person is often offered two different paths in life, and they have to make a conscious choice to stay on the right. Other symbols associated with Vishakha are arches or triumphal gateways decorated with a potter’s wheel. The potter’s wheel as a symbol of the constellation represents the great upheavals and tornadoes produced by this effect. The symbolism points to changes in life and progress towards the spiritual path. The primary motivation of Vishakha Nakshatra is trying to achieve higher goals of life, and purification of the soul through hard work (tapas). These people are good planners, they do not act on impulse. The inherent nature of farming and then harvesting takes time, which means these natives are very patient and persistent.

The gods of Visakha are Indra and Agni. Indra is the Sanskrit word for “indriyas” or the senses. Hence the ability to control one’s senses. It is necessary to control one’s senses in order to attain higher states of spiritual development. Indra gained his power through self-sacrifice and intense meditation. Agni is the god of fire, and burning desire is the subject of change. Within Libra the three quarters of Vishakha bestow prosperity, comfort and pleasant experiences of life, which come under Indra, the king of all gods and the ruler of heaven. The last quarter of the constellation falling in Scorpio is full of trials and tribulations which are necessary for all kinds of transformation. Jupiter is the ruling planet which gives enthusiasm, faith, optimism and hope for the future and signifies a deep connection with the purpose of one’s soul. It gives the power to achieve many and different fruits in life. Vishakha is reflected through plowing or cultivation and finally getting the fruits of the crop. They will often make good farmers and gardeners. The natives of Visakha will develop their ideas and creations till they reach perfection. The gods are the gods of lightning and fire, so they are extremely intense and will often ignore others in pursuit of their will. Vishakha’s power of giving patience and determination to complete the work is very strong to lay the foundation of success.

The shadow side can be aggressive, dictatorial in nature. A quarrelsome personality may be present here. There may be problems with suppressed anger and frustration. There is a kind of bitterness and resentment in these people which can result in dissatisfaction with the current life situations, restlessness and a great psychological upheaval within. They have a strong sexual appetite, which often leads to infidelity in marital life, non-fulfillment of promises in personal relationships. They have jealous and jealous attitude and it is very difficult for them to hide these feelings and because of these feelings they are not able to contribute in helping others. They find success in the relationship later in life. They are extremely competitive, with their rigid opinion they can impose their will and ideas on others. They use others to get what they want. They need to be careful not to win every battle.

Visakha Nakshatra Pad 1: In the Navamsha, it falls in Aries and is ruled by Mars. This verse is about energy, impulse and social ambition. The focus here on the relationship but without passion and commitment is likely to dominate.

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