How to Change Fate (Freewill) Astrology (Astrology Free Will)

 There is always debate on fate and freewill. Most of the people are confused. They think  when everything is predestined then where is the free will ? I want to ask questions for those people who don’t believe in free will. If there is no freewill then why do we have different thoughts at the same time? Why do we have choices?  According to astrology whatever is going to happen comes to mind first in the form of thought but the result depends on our actions. What we want to do or not totally depends on us. That is how we create our future and prepare for our next life. Then how can we say that everything is predestined. If everything is predestined then I think we must have only one choice and we only do one thing. But that is not the case, we always have many choices for our actions. Therefore we all have freewill to create our new future.

Some people always blame “oh my star like this that is why I am like this”. No it is not like this. Astrology is there to help or guide people to give them information about their behavior and mind set according to the planets. Sign and house placement of the planet shows the individual nature and in what area of life is going to manifest for them. So if you can understand yourselves better, then you can avoid problems in life. By blaming fate or destiny you are only hiding your weakness about what you can’t do or even if you are not trying.

If we are ready to accept and correct ourselves we can change many things in our life and be happy. We all have free will and we need to understand. 

If someone has debilitated Mars and it rules a second house which rules food habits, value system and wealth. It means that the person has a lazy lifestyle, doesn’t want to wake up in the morning, doesn’t want to do exercise, has bad eating habits, has no discipline, and has a weak value system. This person will suffer from weight gain, may have diabetes, (diabetes is not only given by Venus but it is also given by not having discipline about food habits and discipline comes from strong Mars ). If the person comes to know about this and tries to understand why they behave like this, then they can work on improving their second house. But the person needs to work on it to improve and can avoid many bad results of debilitated Mars. If they are just blaming oh my Mars is debilitated that is why i am like this. This is not the right attitude and when you know you should work on it. Things will change and you can create your own future with your attitude. You can’t blame everything on destiny. Everything is not destined as it is created every movement by your actions. Because we are not aware of our behavior therefore we always blame others and destiny.

There are indications in our birth chart about what causes problems. You can use your free will and try to work on it and remove your weakness. If you are able to overcome your bad habits or weaknesses with personal effort then you will be able to change your fate and remove difficulties in your life.

This life is based on your past life karma, then your future or next birth depends on this lifetime karma. We have multiple choices in our life and it’s our responsibility to choose whatever is right for us. It is not right to blame everything on destiny. If you can change your thoughts and channelize in the right direction, you can manifest what you want.

This life is divine. It has some rules and guidelines and those who don’t understand them, will suffer in life. We should live life in a balanced way.

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