Venus in Sagittarius for Each Ascendant


Venus in Sagittarius

Venus is the planet of love, money, what we value, and respect. Venus represents a sense of personal worth and value, the quest for pleasure as well as the urge to beautify both inner and outer spheres of the self and life in general.

Venus in Sagittarius is not its element and is in the sign of Jupiter which is the planet of hope and optimism. Sagittarius is a sign of adventure, fun, joy, traveling, different culture, long distance traveling, higher learning and a bigger picture of life. Venus in Sagittarius wants to have fun, wants to explore people of different cultures and has a love for travel. Sagittarius is a sign of freedom and wants a space in a relationship and also wants to have freedom to explore all kinds of attractions. Immature Sagittarius is causal and experimental in relationship. The desire is rarely deep. But mature Sagittarius Venus is looking for meaning and purpose in a relationship and gives a hopeful attitude in matters of love. Venus is inspired by the thought of love and pursues it with high expectations which leads to disappointment when it comes to the reality of life . 

Venus retrogrades once every two years. During the retrograde period of Venus you need to introspect about things related with your relationships and finances.

Venus transit to Sagittarius for each Ascendant:

Transits for Aries Ascendant/Moon: Venus planet of love and romance transiting in your ninth house of fortune. This transit also brings out the higher qualities of Venus. Venus in ninth is highly elevated transit and makes the transit sympathetic and helpful. You might be interested in some charitable or religious work. Venus in ninth could be a very social outgrown and very romantic energy. The ninth house is more about traveling in higher education. You could have a romantic affair on a vacation while traveling or you might meet somebody and a class at school, or at a lecture. 

Transits for Taurus Ascendant/Moon: Venus planet of love transiting in your eighth house of sexuality, tax, other people money, occult knowledge and transformation. Venus in the 8th house is so good for all that romantic and sexual energy and so there’s a lot of passion and sensuality triggered. You need to connect romantically but you need to keep it secret. You’re going to be projecting a great deal of magnetism with a partner. The eighth house deals with financial obligations and business contracts. Venus is planning diplomacy and compromise so you’re more willing to seek a fair solution for each party. 

Transits for Gemini Ascendant/ Moon: Venus is the planet of love and marriage and it’s moving into the seventh house of partnerships and marriage. It’s great for love. Venus transiting in your seventh house of relationships, attracting a romantic relationship. If you are single you’re going to get out and meet somebody. Venus in the seventh house of relationships brings a marriage proposal if you are the age of marriage. It brings a loving and adjusting partner. You may gain from a partner and increase prosperity after marriage. Venus tends to make business partnership more harmonious and beneficial.

Transits for Cancer Ascendant/Moon: Venus is the planet of love and it’s going to be transiting in your sixth house of work, health and co worker. So this could be offering friendship or even some infatuation could start at the office or at the job place with a coworker. Venus transiting is in the sixth house of the health maintenance. It is a good way to improve your health. This would be good for becoming motivated to exercise and just having motivation to have a healthier lifestyle. Venus could be very positive for beauty in the sixth house. You may be wanting to beautify your looks by losing your way of exercising. 

Transits for Leo Ascendant/Moon: Venus planet of romance and love is moving into your 5th house of love affairs, children, pleasures of life, stock market and speculation. This is a very pleasurable, romantic and creative time. You want to go to parties and you really want to enjoy yourself. It can really awaken romance into an existing relationship and some of you could even fall in love with someone. It is a good transit for teachers and people connected with educational institutions and for gain by speculation in stocks. It is good to spend time with children. 

Transits for Virgo Ascendant/Moon: Venus is the planet of relationships and love going to be transiting in your fourth house of peace, home and family. So you might be enjoying your family a lot more because this could also be a time when you are entertaining a loved one or friends in your home. Venus in your fourth certainly you want to beautify the home and invite guests over. So you might be wanting to have a party or even if you are in romance with someone you just want to cook at your home. You may go visit the family and just really enjoy your time with them. 

Transits for Libra Ascendant/Moon: Venus the planet of love is in the third house. The third house deals with short distance traveling, learning, improving skill, siblings, and close neighbors. So it could be a time to have enjoyment and to reconcile if there’s been sibling rivalry. This transit improves your relationship with your neighbor. The third house can also deal with short trips and Venus is romance and pleasure seeking and you might be more inclined to take an overnight romantic trip or of a just a holiday for the weekend to get away and really enjoy yourself. 

Transits for Scorpio Ascendant/Moon: Venus is the planet of desire and likes the finer things in life and Venus is going to move into your second house of income. Venus in the transiting in the second house is an indication of financial opportunity. Venus is also the planet of desire and attraction and it can attract more money. You will get help from your friend or family member if you are in need. You might be more inclined to enjoy luxury items and to buy and you’re spending more. This transit shows gain by dealing in things ruled by Venus, such as dress goods, jewelry,music, etc.

Transits for Sagittarius Ascendant/Moon: Venus the planet of love transiting in your first house of what you’re projecting out to the world. So you’re going to feel more attractive, attract more people into your life and feel happy. You will be liked by people during this transit because of your social nature and friendly nature. You are going to be more charming, romantic and behave more generously and kindly. . So more people are going to be attracted to you. You can make new friendships or start new love affairs. Venus can bring some real romance into any existing relationships also because it aspects your 7th house from the first house. 

Transits for Capricorn Ascendant/Moon: Venus planet of love moving into your 12th house house. The 12th house is more retiring, letting go and staying low key. But there are other activities that might be with Venus in the 12th house. One possibility is you just want to be more low-key with your spouse, partner and lover. You just want to be alone and quiet with one special person. So this could be where you are having a secret love affair or that you are keeping a love affair quiet until maybe you just want to make sure that it’s real and you just want to keep it private. You might be interested in some charitable work and like to spend some time in an ashram during this transit. 

Transits for Aquarius Ascendant/Moon:  Venus planet of love, marriage and pleasure seeking is moving into your 11th house of hopes, wishes, friendships, group activities and events. Venus in the 11th house might be a more social mood. It’s also possible to make new friendships and really enjoy hanging out with your friends. There are chances that your friendship turns into something a little more romantic. Friends will help you in fulling your hopes and wishes. So this is really a more social pleasurable time of going to events, hanging out with friends and just really enjoying their company. 

Transits for Pisces Ascendant/Moon: Venus planet of love moving into your tenth house of honor, reputation, and career. This is a very beneficial transit for Pisces. It makes the person shiny and very attractive to all with whom they are working and in that way it tends to give promotion in your career. You wil be famous, particularly with the opposite sex, and will rise in your career through partner. It gives an ability to avoid conflicts in a career place and be happy in or enjoy your work place. You might fall in love with the job with your boss. There’s certainly a lot of passion and energy at your workplace.  

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